Our mission is No More Unwanted Animals! We want to
encourage you to consider adoption before buying an animal. Take one in who has no home. And never buy an animal from an irresponsible
breeder or pet store. That only encourages them to continue.
Our goal is to eliminate backyard and irresponsible breeders. Any animal you breed should be your responsibility
from it's first breath to it's last. We encourage breeders to take back any of their animals that come into problems or are
no longer wanted. Breeders should only breed wanted animals and breed for the purpose of preserving the bloodline.
We stand for the quality of life for all animals and not just the basics. Animals need medical care, social
skills, good hygiene, as close to a natural environment as possible, good nutrition, sanitary conditions, and their minds
kept busy! Food and water is not enough. And don't forget that your animal
has emotional needs just like you do.
1. Adoption of homeless animals, including but not limited to:
Animals with disabilities,Persians, Mastiff breeds, and bully breeds
2. Education to the public on issues that create homeless animals.
3. Rescuing animals from euthanasia whenever possible.
4. Providing a home environment to every rescued animal. Every animal can feel at home while they wait for a family.
5. Discouraging back yard breeding and puppy mills.
6. Working on long term goals to ensure that no animal is unwanted or improperly bred. SPAY AND NUETER PLEASE!

If you look closely, Winston (the Persian) is sharing his corner with Pinky (the rat). Persians can be expensive
and well sought after pets. Rats can be ugly unwanted vermin to most people. Mama Dori's Jungle sees each animal as worthy
as the next.
Past and Present Volunteers:

This is Rhina Saurus! She is helping by testing the bedding for the tiny critters. SHe has been adopted, but we will never
forget her. There will be pictures posted continuously of all the volunteers. I am so grateful for my volunteers. They give
MamaDori's Jungle the ability to help more animals in need.

This is Star; she is our babysitter and tattle-tale.
This is Rocksey and Luke. Luke (English Mastiff) is being tricked into exercising by Rocksey (Wheaton Terrier).
Rocksey has appointed herself as activities coordinator. She offers so much excitement and attention to all the animals
she meets.
THis is our Zoey. She used to be really shy. But now she volunteers with the clean up crew. Here she is cleaning
all the toys out of the toy bucket...
...and putting them all away in her crate or her mouth like you see here. Here's a fun game! How many toys can Zoey hold in
her mouth?

Marly (below) is a Dogue De' Bordeaux. He is a French Mastiff. Beautiful isn't he?! Marley appointed himself
protector of the trash. That's not as corny as it sounds. Marley knew when trash needed to be taken out and would remind you
if you forgot. He is proud to be the one to escort the person to the alley. Marley would never run away when he was watching
the alley to protect you. He was serious about his job. Marley missed taking the trash out a couple times and boo-hooed like

Luke (Lucia; Mama Dori's personal dog) is very sensative to animals that are hurting. This is a picture of him standing
over Betty Boop when she returned for cancer surgery. He never left her side and told me when she was feeling pain she could
not bear. Waiting for her surgery seemed so long because of the pain she was in, but we had to let her have it to see if she
had a chance at all. Betty Boop's story will be added later.